

USHERS for the Symphony Concert be on hand at 7.15 sharp.

F. B. WHITTEMORE.'98 ELEVEN.-Entire squad be out at 3.45 o'clock, dressed to play.

H. D. SCOTT.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Regular meeting tonight at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. Subject: "Christian Perfection" Eph. 4. All members of the University are invited.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.-Regular shoot today at 2. The Founders Cup will be shot for, also matches B, novice and special. Briggs, Bartol, Childs, Dove, Johnson, Lawton, Pike, F. Sterling and R. Sterling please attend for practice.

MERMAID CLUB.-Meeting November 9, in 69 Perkins Hall, at 9.30. Mr. Edgett will talk on Contemporary Drama.

