
University Organizations.

'Varsity Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.

A meeting of the 'Varsity Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs was held last evening and the Christmas trip was discussed. It was decided to visit the following places on the dates given:

Worcester, Dec. 21; Baltimore, Dec. 22; Cincinnati, Dec. 24; Louisville, Dec. 25; Indianapolis, Dec. 26; St. Louis, Dec. 27; Kansas City, Dec. 29; Milwaukee, Dec. 31; Chicago, Jan. 1.

Harvard Union.There will be a competitive debate for membership on Friday, Nov. 16. The question will be: "Resolved, That suffrage should be extended to women in municipal affairs." The debate will be opened by two members of the Union, after which all members of the University are invited to speak.


Wendell Phillips Club.At the executive committee meeting of the Wendell Phillips Club Monday, it was decided, among other things, to revise the list of members of the club. There are a number of new men who desire to be admitted, but as the list of members is already quite up to the constitutional limit, it has been found necessary to institute a class of associate members to provide room for all who wish to join.

It was also decided to lay before the members the election of Mr. Carl Schurz and Mr. Theodore Roosevelt as honorary members of the club.

The next competitive debate for membership will be held on Friday night.

Freshman Debating Club.At the meeting of the club tonight in Sever 11 at 7.30 o'clock, the question for debate will be: "Resolved, That a Representative in Congress should vote, on important questions, according to his own convictions, and not according to the wishes of his constituents."

Principal Disputants. - Affirmative: C. E. Morgan, E. L. Millard, F. W. Lake. - Negative: P. Van Daell, S. Brooks-Rosenthal, H. F. Robinson.

All members of the freshman class are cordially invited to be present.
