It being Yale's year for making arrangements for the annual fall shoot, and nothing having been heard from New Haven, the secretary of the Harvard Shooting Club wrote yesterday. He asked the management of the Yale team to arrange for a shoot and suggested an invitation to Princeton. He advised the Colt Gun Club grounds at Hartford, as the Springfield grounds have not proved satisfactory on former occasions.
If the match takes place it will be held on Friday, November 23, the day before the Springfield game and will not count for the Shooting and Fishing Cup, as this calls for spring matches.
The prospects for a winning team are not as bright as they were last year, but with practice it is hoped to develop a good team. Sargent Lawton and Pike are the the only men in College who have ever shot against Yale, and several experienced men will be unable to shoot. The team will probably be made up of Sargent, Lawton and Pike, with two men chosen from the following: Dove, Childs and Sterling '98, Bartol '97, and Sterling '96.
Botanical Club.Professor Goodale spoke last evening on Public Museums of Natural History. He gave an account of our University Museum, founded by Louis Agassiz, and pointed out the lines on which Alexander Agassiz has fostered its growth. A public museum like ours has two distinct functions: First, the accumulation and utilization of materials for research; and, second, the display of selected specimens for the instruction of the public. He described the principal museums in this country and Europe, and closed by a short description of the interesting public museums in the Southern Hemisphere.
Civil Service Reform Club.Tickets for the reserved seats at Mr. Roosevelt's address on November ninth in Sanders Theatre upon "The Merit System and Manliness in Politics," can be obtained by members of the club at 19 Hollis (north entry, ground floor) today from 5 to 6 p. m. Two tickets will be given each member. Men desiring to join the club can do so at the same time and place.
L. A. FROTHINGHAM, ARTHUR P. STONE,HERBERT SCHURZ.Wendell Phillips Club.The second competitive debate for membership in the Wendell Phillips Club occurs next Friday evening, in Harvard 1, at 7 o'clock.
The subject for debate will be "Resolved, That universal male suffrage has proved absurd in theory and ineffectual in practice." The principal speakers will be F. C. Thwaits L. S., for the affirmative, and W. E. Hutton '95, for the negative. The judges will be two members of the faculty, Mr. Conant and Mr. Copeland, and one member of the Club.
The debate is open to all members of the University, though no freshmen will be admitted to membership. Speakers are limited to five minutes.
Harvard Union.The Union has instructed the executive committee, S. E. Johnson '95, J. P. Warren '96, and W. W. Orr '96, not to withdraw the condition excluding women from the debate. As Boston University as firmly insists that it shall be partially represented by women, there will undoubtedly be no debate.
Religious Union.Dr. Santayana spoke last night before the Religious Union on the Mystery of Evil, taking up and questioning several of the arguments of Professor Fiske. The address was very informal and an opportunity was given the members of the Union for discussion.
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