

CLASS GAME. - Will these men please keep back the spectators at the class game? Wheatland, Peabody, Brice, Fairbank, Briggs, Grew, Whittemore, Spaulding, May, Cummings, French, Goodwin. The game is to be played on the open field, and if the crowd is not kept back it will interfere with the playing.

C. S. PIERCE.'95 ELEVEN. - The following men must be at 7 Linden street at 2.45 sharp: Davis, Teele, Thompson, Doucette, Potter, Whiteside, Knapp, Hitch, Miller, Jackson, Brown, Forbes, Manning, Snow, Tileston, Tiffany.

C. S. PIERCE.FRESHMAN CREW. - Candidates who have no afternoon recitations be ready to row at 2.30; others row at 4.30.

CANDIDATES for the University crew be at the rowing room dressed to row at 3.30 today.

E. H. FENNESSY.'98 ELEVEN. - Entire squad be out at 3 o'clock, dressed to play.


H. D. SCOTT.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearse today at 4.30 in 26 Holyoke.

R. G. MORSE.'98 FOOTBALL. - Let every man of the freshman squad, first and second eleven and substitutes, come out to practice tackling at one of the three following hours: 11 to 12, 12 to 1, 2 to 3, today.

I will be at the tackling machine at those hours and want every man to be on hand, dressed in full football costume, early in the hour.

The backs must be ready to do some kicking.

W. C. FORBES.'VARSITY GLEE, BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS. - Meeting, of officers at 9 Holyoke at 9 o'clock.
