

'Varsity Eleven.

The 'varsity football team resumed secret practice yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field. Only the regular routine plays were gone through; nothing new was tried. Marshall Newell, the old 'varsity tackle, who has been coaching Cornell this fall, is expected here this afternoon to assist in the coaching. Lewis has decided not to coach Amherst, and will remain with the team the rest of the season.

The portion of the 'varsity squad which has been at Mrs. Bucknell's for the last week has returned to the regular training table at 13 Bow street.

Ninety-Five vs. Ninety-Eight.Ninety-five and ninety-eight both practiced yesterday, getting ready for their game today. Ninety-eight played on Soldiers Field regardless of the rain. After a little preliminary work the first and second elevens lined up and played two full halves. The two elevens were evenly matched, though the first seemed to be a little the stronger. Considering the condition of the field, the playing was remarkably good. Ninety-five practiced in the gymnasium, the work being chiefly on signals.

The game today will be at four o'clock sharp. The teams will line up:



Davis, I.e. r.e., Bull.

Teele, l.t. r.t., Holmes, Rice.

Thompson, l.g. r.g., Woodward.

Doucette, c. c., Hennen.

Potter, r.g, l.g., Hoague.

Pierce, r.t. l.t., Fuller.

Whiteside, r.e. I.e., Woods.

Knapp, q.b. q.b., Scott.

Jackson, h.b. h.b., Cabot.

Hitch, h.b. h.b., Redpath.

Miller, f.b. f.b., Fincke.
