BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.
6 tfFIN DE SIECLE CLOTHES.-Special prices for students.
11 tf
125 Tremont St., Boston.HARVARD men are delighted with the stock of suitings shown by Mr. D. Toy at 71 Beacon street, Boston. Those who wish exclusive styles will do well to Call.
31tfALL students desiring board can make satisfactory arrangements at 94 Prescott street. Club tables $8.00, general tables $7.00.
35 6GERMAN, PHYSICS, MATH. AND FRENCH. - Tutoring in the undergraduate courses.
H. H. BROGAN, GR.,Ph.D., Germany.Apply 2-4 p. m., 858 Main St.
36 3t*MR. EMIL TIFERRO, Tenor, teacher of the Higher Art of Singing, will meet Harvard Students for private instruction in solo and chorus singing. Applications for lessons may be made from 10 to 12 and 3 to 5 at 130-132 Boylston St., Boston, up one flight. For further information please apply to Professor John K. Paine, Cambridge. References: Professor J. K. Paine, Professor John Fiske, Prof. Louis C. Elson, New England Conservatory, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.
Distance, Boston to Springfield:
Via Boston & Albany R. R., 99 miles.
Via Boston & Maine R. R., 121 miles.
Via New York & New England R. R., 132 miles.
The Boston & Albany is double track.
The Boston & Maine and New York & New England Routes are single track.
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Weld Crew.