
University Organizations.

Civil Service Reform Club.

On Friday, November ninth, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt will speak in Sanders Theatre under the auspices of the Harvard Civil Service Reform Club. The subject of his lecture will be "The Merit-System and Manliness in Politics." This is undoubtedly a most valuable chance for the students of the University, as Mr. Roosevelt is one of the two or three great leaders of the civil service reform movement. The theatre on that evening will be open to the public, but the floor and first balcony will be reserved for the holders of complimentary admission tickets until ten minutes of eight. The lecture will begin promptly at eight o'clock.

Each member of the club is entitled to two tickets. These tickets can be obtained from the committee in charge at 19 Hollis (ground floor, north entry) between 9 and 11 a. m. on Monday or between 5 and 6 p. m. on Tuesday. The committee will be prepared to receive new members and issue shingles at the same time and place. The club holds two or more public meetings each year, like the present one, besides other smaller and more informal meetings. It also subscribes for each member to Good Government, the national organ of the. civil service reform movement, collects all the available literature on civil service reform in a reserved alcove in the reading room and does much in other ways to promote the reform. All members of the University are eligible for membership. The annual dues are one dollar. Any other information will be cheerfully furnished by any member of the executive committee or by the sub-committee at the hours mentioned above.

L. A. FROTHINGHAM,ARTHUR P. STONE,HERBERT SCHURZ.Lampoon.At a meeting of the Lampoon board last evening C. M. Flandrau '95 was elected a regular editor and W. M. McKittrick '96 a business editor to take the place of W. B. Rogers '96, resigned.

Camera Club.The club is now busily engaged making a set of lantern slides for its contribution of this year to the Lantern Slide Interchange. The slides will not, as before, form a connected series, but will be selected from those offered by the members of the club. The set will be an extremely fine one, consisting of all kinds of exterior scenes, taken at every season of the year. Before the slides are sent off they will be exhibited in Boylston 9, so that the work of the different members of the club may be compared.


Cycling Association.The run yesterday was very successful, despite the fact that only a few men turned out. The weather was fine and the roads were in good condition.

The course was that of the road race to be held the twelfth of this month. It was by Concord avenue to Belmont, thence to Arlington, and back by North avenue. This course will be gone over again before the road race.

There will be a run next Monday to the Back Bay Fens and back by the Parkway through Jamaica Plain.
