
Wrenn is Field Captain.

The Official Line-up Comes From Springfield.

[Special dispatch to the HARVARD CRIMSON.]

SPRINGFIELD, Nov. 23. - This evening great interest has been excited here by the unexpected announcement that Captain Emmons has resigned the field captaincy of the team to Quarterback Wrenn. The latter will have entire charge of the eleven during the game tomorrow. This arrangement will meet with the approval of all Harvard men. Emmons's knee troubles him so much that he may at any time be obliged to give up play, and he is fortunate to be able to leave the game in the hands of so reliable a man as Wrenn, who has time and again proved that he deserves the confidence which all the team feel in him. His handling of the team in the games this fall has been unnsually cool and clear headed, and he may be trusted to repeat his excellent work tomorrow.

Dr. Brooks has given out the official line-up of the Harvard eleven, putting an end to the uncertainty which has existed since the team went into secret practice. There is no change in the positions of the men which will be very unexpected. In the line, Hallowell will play left tackle without any question, while fullback will be taken by Fairchild. In case Emmons has to retire, his place will be taken by Cabot, the young freshman player, who may be expected to put up an excellent game, even though he is to play opposite Greenway.

There is a light drizzling rain falling, and Springfield is very quiet for the night before the big game. The betting is unusually light, a favorite bet being even money that Yale will triple Harvard's score.

It is announced that the Yale News will put a special issue on sale here before the game and will publish an extra in Springfield immediately after it.

