

ALL Greek letter societies that wish to be in the Index this year are requested to send a list of their members to Wm. B. Wolffe '95, editor, before Nov. 26.

THE annual dinner of the Signet Alumni Association will be held at the University Club, 270 Beacon street, Boston, on Friday, November 23, at seven o'clock. Professor Palmer and Professor Shaler will be the guests. Members desiring to attend are requested to notify the secretary on or before November 20. The undergraduate members are especially invited. The price per plate will be $2.00.

++'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal to-night at 6.30.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE. - The committee would like the names of any men who would be willing occasionally to be called on to contribute either vocal or instrumental music of any sort for the entertainment of the inmates of philanthropic institutions, boys' clubs, etc. Any other form of entertainment would also be acceptable. Men can get particulars by calling on Mr. Birtwell at 17 Grays between 9.30 and 12.30 Tuesdays.

51 2tHARVARD PRESS ASSOCIATION. - College editors and correspondents wishing to join the association may do so at 22 Hilton Block, Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23, between 1 and 1.30 p. m.


L. W. MOTT, Sec.
