HARVARD men are delighted with the stock of suitings shown by Mr. D. Toy at 71 Beacon street, Boston. Those who wish exclusive styles will do well to call.
Distance, Boston to Springfield:
Via Boston & Albany R. R., 99 miles.
Via Boston & Maine R. R., 121 miles.
Via New York & New England R. R., 132 miles.
The Boston & Albany is double track.
The Boston & Maine and New York & New England Routes are single track.
FIN DE SIECLE CLOTHES. - Special prices for students.
11 tf
125 Tremont St., Boston.BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.
6 tfPURSE LOST - On Sacramento street, or on North avenue between Sacramento and Mellen streets, a small green purse containing $5.00 and foreign coins. Finder please return to Radcliffe and obtain reward.
HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. - Gentlemen who have fair voices and some knowledge of reading, and who are interested in oratorio music, are invited to become members of this society. Harvard men specially welcome. Names and addresses of applicants may be sent to Charles W. Stone, 68 Chestnut Street, Boston.
45 6ENGLISH BULLDOG. - Just imported per S. S. "Carlisle City" (Furness Line), that High Class Bull Bitch, "Petrina" (registered and pedigree), white with brindle mark on head, by Champion "Tinker," out of Nettle. Grand shoulders, enormous scull, perfect body, weight 41 lbs., excellent mother, affectionate, safe, quiet, clean, will make good breeder. She combines the blood of Champion "Alaric" (King Orry's grandfather), Champion "Monarch," "Spartan," Crib and Venice. The above is a kennel companion to "Bayswater Nell," now the property of Newton Kennels. Inspection invited. Apply to Morse's Stable, 1 Dunster St., Cambridge.
48 2tWANTED. - Student in the College to work three or four hours a day; easy work and good pay. Address, "G," CRIMSON.
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