

HARVARD UNION. - There will be a special business meeting Wednesday evening at 6.45 p. m., in 19 Matthews.

C. A. DUNIWAY, Pres.'98 ELEVEN. - Everybody be dressed to play at 3.15 sharp.

H.D.SCOTT.WORCESTER HARVARD DINNER. - Those who have not replied by six o'clock tonight will have no seats reserved for them.

EARLE BROWN, Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Rev. Geo. Hodges, D. D., Dean of the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, will deliver the first of a series of talks on the History of the Prayer Book at 7 p. m., in Grays 17, Nov. 21st. All members of the University cordially invited.

H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.THE annual dinner of the Signet Alumni Association will be held at the University Club, 270 Beacon street, Boston, on Friday, November 23, at seven o'clock. Professor Palmer and Professor Shaler will be the guests. Members desiring to attend are requested to notify the secretary on or before November 20. The undergraduate members are especially invited. The price per plate will be $2.00.


++THERE will be a meeting of the Harvard Total Abstinence League in Holden Chapel Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 7 p. m. sharp. A full attendance of past members is desirable, and all who wish to join the society are invited to be present. Any one who desires information about the league may obtain it at this meeting.

ALL clubs that wish to be in the Index this year are requested to send a list of their members to Wm. B. Wolffe '95, editor, before Nov. 21.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - There will be trials of candidates for the Freshman Banjo Club Monday and Tuesday evenings, Nov. 19 and 20, at 8 o'clock in 54 Matthews. All first year men who play the banjo, banjeaurine or guitar are eligible.


W. D. BROOKINGS.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB. - Trial of candidates at 26 Holyoke street, Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 6.30 p. m. Let every man in the class who can play the mandolin or guitar come and bring solo.

R. G. MORSE.HARVARD PRESS ASSOCIATION. - A meeting for the election of officers will be held this evening in U. 16. at 7.30. All editors of Harvard papers and the correspondents of New York, Boston and Chicago dailies may become members by signing the constitution at this meeting.
