

The Yale Practice.

[N. E. Associated Press.]

NEW HAVEN, CONN., Nov. 19.- The daily practice of the Yale football eleven this afternoon, was open to the public at large, an unexpected move, considering the rigidity with which Captain Hinkey has enforced secrecy upon the work of the eleven the past few weeks. The announcement that spectators were to be admitted within the Yale field was not made till 1 o'clock, but before the teams appeared at 2.15 nearly 2,000 spectators were on hand.

Jerrems was found at right halfback, where he played in such fine form that he may be put down as certain to hold the place. Greenway was on hand, but did not even wear his uniform. He may go into the game with Harvard Saturday, but there is no possibility of his lasting longer than half an hour.

The practice this afternoon was an hour long and there was only a single injury, that of Thorne, whose back was slightly wrenched in bucking the centre. He will be all right tomorrow.

The tickets for the Harvard game were distributed here this afternoon without friction. The system used was by application blanks, and a throng of over a thousand filed through the Yale Cooperative store to obtain their seats. The remaining tickets, about a hundred, will go on sale tomorrow. The best seats are all gone, but positions at the end of the field are left. A big premium is being offered for good seats, but very few have fallen into the hands of speculators. Yale men have gone to Springfield and other places where tickets were sent, to procure additions to their regular allowance.


Pennsylvania Hard at Work.PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19. - The result of the Cornell game was something of a discouragement to Pennsylvania's admirers, but, nevertheless, the team took up its practice today with renewed determination to get into the best possible shape for the Thanksgiving Day game. Right guard Wharton received a bad kick in the leg on Saturday, but took his practice with the rest of the men today. The injuries of Knipe and Wagonhurst are rather more serious, but it is expected that they will come around all right.

The practice during all this week will be constant and hard. Coach Woodruff will try to work the soreness out of every joint before Friday evening, when the men leave for Springfield to see the Harvard-Yale match. Fifteen men will go, including the captain and coach, consisting of Bull, Wharton, Woodruff, Wagonhurst, Minds, Rosengarten, Gelbert, Williams, Osgood, Brooke, Off, Farrar and Upton. After witnessing the game the men will leave for home the same evening, arriving Sunday morning. On Monday and Tuesday work will be resumed, and the day before Thanksgiving - the great match with Harvard - will be spent in complete rest.

There is talk of getting some outside team to line up against the 'varsity in the last week of practice instead of the regular scrubs.
