'VARSITY FOOTBALL. - The following men be dressed to play at 3 o'clock sharp: Hallowell, Mackie, F. Shaw, Manahan, J. N. Shaw, Gould, Waters, A. Brewer, Wrenn, Beale, Foster, Whittemore, Wrightington, C. Brewer and Hamlen. All other men be out at 3.45 sharp.
R. W. EMMONS, 2ND.PIERIAN. - There will be no rehearsal this afternoon as the hall is to be otherwise occupied. The regular rehearsal will be held on Monday evening.
C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.MERMAID CLUB. - Meeting this evening in 35 Hastings at 9.30 sharp. Members will kindly bring "Roister Doister," Ibsen's "Ghosts," and Webster's "Vittoria Corombona." The trial scene (Act III, Sc. 1) of "Vittoria" and the last act of "Ghosts" will be read.
CYCLING ASSOCIATION. - There will be a run over the course of the road race this afternoon, starting from the Gymnasium at 4 p. m.
W. R. BRINCKERHOFF, Capt.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7.00 sharp.
H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.HARVARD UNION. - A special business meeting will be held Friday evening, November 2, at 9.15 o'clock, in Sever 11.
C. A. DUNIWAY, President.ALL members of the University wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association may do so at Thurston's or at 40 Hilton's Block on Mondays and Fridays from 1.30 to 2 o'clock. Initiation fee $3.50.
H. W. HOWE, Sec. H. A. A.
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