

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Sailor Mission. Regular meeting in Holden Chapel on Saturday at 7 p.m. The names of the men who will go out are posted on the bulletin in Holden Chapel. Any member of the University is cordially invited to go with us. We start at 9 a.m. sharp, from Harvard square.

E. VON MACH.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB. - Trial of candidates at 26 Holyoke street, Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 6.30 p.m. Let every man in the class who can play the mandolin or guitar come and bring solo.


R. G. MORSE.ALL clubs that wish to be in the Index this year are requested to send a list of their members to Wm. B. Wolffe '95, editor, before Nov. 21.

HARVARD PRESS ASSOCIATION. - A meeting for the election of officers will be held Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 7.30 p.m., in U. 16.


W. T. DENISON,Temporary Secretary.

