PRINCETON, N. J., NOV. 16. - James McCosh, D. D., LL.D., ex-president of Princeton College, died at his home this evening at 10 o'clock.
Dr. McCosh was born near the country village of Patnad, in Airshire, Scotland, April 11, 1811. He attended the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and by an essay on Stoic Philosophy he was awarded, upon the recommendation of Sir William Hamilton, the degree of M.A.
In 1835 he was ordained a minister of the Scotch Church and became an active supporter of Dr. Chalmers in the establishment of the Free Church. He married Miss Isabel Guthrie, a niece of Dr. Thomas Guthrie, the distinguished Edinburgh clergyman. In 1851 he was appointed professor of logic at Queen's College, Belfast. There he remained till he was called to be president of Princeton College in 1866. He resigned that office in 1888, and thereafter lived in comparative retirement. His death had been expected for some time as he failed rapidly within the last few months.
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