The regular meeting of the Graduate Club has been postponed from November 16 to November 23, when Professor Charles Eliot Norton will address the club upon "Some Questionable Features of Modern Democracy."
Natural History Society.The 796th regular meeting of the Harvard Natural History Society will be held this evening at 7.45 o'clock at the rooms of the society, Society Building, Holmes Field. Dr. C. B. Davenport will address the society; subject: "Hybridity in Animals."
Members of the University who take Natural History courses are invited.
Freshman Debating Club.The Freshman Debating Club held its regular meeting last night. The question for-debate was: "Resolved, That a despotism is the best form of government for Russia." The principal speakers in the affirmative were J. A. Butler, W. W. Baker, R. M. Barker; in the negative, G. W. Crawley, I. Zeigler and H. B. Dyer. The judges gave their decision in favor of the affirmative. Dr. Coolidge was present and at the request of the society criticized the debate.
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