
Special Notice.

FOUR football season tickets wanted. Apply at Thurston's before 1 o'clock today. First offered, first bought. Good premium.

WANTED. - The use of a season ticket for the Yale game. Will pay $1.50. Apply at 38 Holyoke House between 9 and 11 a. m. today or Friday, or send by mail.

A FEW more gentlemen with ladies needed to make up a private car for Springfield game. Fare for round trip $2.50. Further particulars may be obtained at Thurston's.

J. S. CRANSTON.WANTED. - Roommate. Fine room in College yard, rental low. Tenant's last year. Can sign for next year. Excellent opportunity for man who expects to be in the University a number of years. Address, H. DeBohun, Law School.

HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. - Gentlemen who have fair voices and some knowledge of reading, and who are interested in oratorio music, are invited to become members of this society. Harvard men specially welcome. Names and addresses of applicants may be sent to Charles W. Stone, 68 Chestnut Street, Boston.


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