

THERE will be a meeting of the Civil Engineers this evening at 7 o'clock in Room 1, L. S. S. Important business.

A. N. JOHNSON, Sec.HARVARD PEDAGOGICAL CLUB. - The first meeting of the Harvard Pedagogical Club for this year will be held on Thursday, Nov. 15. at 4.30 p. m., in Sever 11. There will be an address by Col. Francis W. Parker, of Chicago, on "The Correlation of Studies." All members of the University are invited to attend this meeting.

GRADUATE SCHOOL. - Students not holding the degree of A. B. from Harvard University who wish to be candidates for the degree of A.M., or Ph.D., are required to apply to the Committee on Admission from other Colleges to be accepted as qualified for candidacy. Blank forms can be obtained at University 10.
