
Harvard-Yale Tickets.

Today is the last day for receiving applications for seats at the Springfield game. All graduates or undergraduates who apply can feel sure of getting good seats. By increasing the height of the stands, a whole section has practically been added to the middle five, D, E, F, G, and H. These are the $2.50 seats, of which sections D and H, with probably a part of E, will be assigned to those who apply on the regular blank forms. The applications left over will be filled from the $2.00 sections, B, C, I, and J, and a number of seats in these sections will doubtless remain for the general sale, together with the two end sections, A. and K, in which the seats are $1.50.

The blank forms of application read:

Applications on this blank for not more than two seats at the Springfield game will be received from any graduate or member of Harvard University until 6 p. m., November 15; but no tickets will be sent out before Nov. 19.

Section D will be reserved for graduates who apply for one seat only.

Applicants wishing seats together must enclose their separate applications together, as all seats on the sides of the field will be reserved by number.


Check or money order, and large, self-directed, and stamped envelope must accompany each order. Tickets will be sent by registered mail if postage stamps to the amount of ten cents are put on the self-directed envelope.
