
University Organizations.

Pedagogical Club.

The first meeting of the Harvard Pedagogical Club for this year will be held on Thursday, Nov. 15. at 4.30 p. m., in Sever 11. There will be an address by Col. Francis W. Parker, of Chicago, on "The Correlation of Studies." All members of the University are invited to attend this meeting.

Signet.The annual dinner of the Signet Alumni Association will be held at the University Club, 270 Beacon street, Boston, on Friday, November twenty-third. The annual meeting of the association will be held at the same place and date.

Shooting Club.The following answer to the challenge received from the Yale Shooting Club was sent last night:


"The Harvard Shooting Club accepts the challenge of the Yale Gun Club for a match to be held at the time and place specified in the challenge, and under the usual and specified conditions.

JOSEPH SARGENT, JR.,Capt. and Sec. H. S. C."The scores at the meeting of the Shooting Club yesterday resulted as follows: Founders Cup - Bartol 13, Sargent 11, R. Sterling 11, Byrd 9, Childs 4, Lawton 3, Shepard 3, F. A. Sterling and Caswell did not finish. Match B - Bartol 8, Sargent 8, R. Sterling 6, Byrd 6, Childs 3, Lawton 2. Novice Match - Bartol 8, F. A. Sterling 4, Childs 3, F. A. Kinnicutt 3, Shepard 1.

Freshman Glee Club.Twenty-six men presented themselves as candidates for the Freshman Glee Club at the second trial last night. From these, and from the candidates of Monday night, the following have been selected for further trial:

First Tenor.

F. D. Sawin, J. L. Valentine,

G. Giles, F. Dobyns,

J. A. Battis, J. C. Whitfield,

W. D. M. Howard.

Second Tenor.

E. Byrnes, W. H. Hoyt,

E. B. Herald, H. W. Williams,

E. M. Copeland, H. J. Wilder,

A. E. Hatch, F. T. Hubbard,

B. C. Fincke, M. K. Gurney,

J. S. Barstow, T. M. Hastings.

First Bass.

J. Loud, P. V. Bacon,

R. P. Starkweather, P. M. Hubbard,

H. Carleton, H. K. Stanley,

W. E. Dorman, F. M. Newton,

H. Blanchard, P. S. Dalton,

E. Wadsworth, B. H. Hayes,

J. W. Edmunds, S. Robinson.

Second Bass.

G. H. Scull, W. Stackpole,

W. Arnold, H. J. Bennett,

P. Dove, S. S. Hinds,

C. E. Hawkes, R. McPherson.

Notice of the first rehearsal will be given later.

The material last night was better than on Monday night, and was on the whole fully up to the average of freshman glee clubs.

Camera Club.The Camera Club gave an unusually successful exhibit of lantern slides last evening, and Boylston 9 was well filled by an audience which fully appreciated the excellence of the work shown. There were 130 slides in all, some of them exhibited merely that the club might have an opportunity of judging them before selecting the hundred which are to be sent to the American Lantern-slide Interchange.

The exhibit comprised views of sea and land in all seasons. The negatives from which the slides were taken, were made by thirteen members of the club; Professor de Sumichrast. Rumford, Sharples, Fisk, Olmstead, Glessner, Holmes, Holbrook, Stevens, Cummings, Frothingham, James and Vaughan; the slides themselves were the work of P. P. Sharples '95 and C. P. M. Rumford '97. The pictures which took prizes last year were exhibited, and the quality of the whole was distinctly above the average of slides sent to the club during the past winter.
