
University Organizations.

Shooting Club.

At the practice of the Shooting Club yesterday the trap broke and, as none of the old ones could be made to work, the shoot was postponed until this afternoon. The Founders Cup, novice and match B will be continued at two o'clock.

Camera Club.This evening at 7.30 o'clock in Boylston 9 the Harvard Camera Club will exhibit a set of lantern slides. There will be about eighty slides, all made by members of the club from their own negatives, and embracing a large variety of subjects. The set promises to be very interesting.

Wendell Phillips Club.The regular meeting of the Wendell Phillips Club occurs next Friday evening in Harvard 1, at 7.30. The subject will be: "Resolved, That the free coinage of silver is desirable." The affirmative will be upheld by F. R. Steward '96 and R. B. Sprague '97, while the speakers on the negative will be W. E. Blodgett '96 and C. B. White '96. The meeting is open to all members of the University and all are invited to be present and to speak.


Freshman Glee Club.The trial of candidates for the freshman glee club, which was begun last night, will be continued this evening in Lawrence I at seven o'clock. The names of candidates will be published tomorrow, after the second trial.
