We wish to say a few words for the hare and hounds run, the first of which will be given this afternoon. These runs have been very popular during the past few years and have afforded real enjoyment to a great many men. They are what are known as "slow runs." The hares are given a start of about five minutes over the hounds, and after laying a trail of a few miles they designate some spot about half a mile from home as a "break" and mark this by a pile of the paper "scent." The hounds make no pretense to fast running until they reach this point, when the master-of-hounds gives the signal and such of the men as care to do so race over the rest of the couse. In addition to the benefits of the open air exercise, there are always many amusing incidents in connection with the runs, and an excellent opportunity is given to men to see something of the country about Boston.
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