

Brown Game Postponed.

The Brown game which was to have been played Wednesday has been postponed until Thursday afternoon. The hour has also been changed to 3.30 instead of 3.45 o'clock as announced. There are far more men who have half-past three lectures on Wednesday than on Thursday, and, as the eleven was anxious to have more time to play the change was decided upon.

Brown has a half-holiday on Wednesday so that permission of the Faculty was necessary in order to postpone the game. But last evening Manager Mills received a telegram stating that the postponement had been allowed. The game will therefore be played at 3.30 o'clock on Thursday.

'Varsity Practice.The 'varsity football practice was held on Soldiers Field yesterday morning and afternoon. In the morning only a part of the junior eleven showed up and was used to break through on the 'varsity backs, who were being coached by Willard, Med., and Newell '94, in punting. Brewer's punting has improved greatly, and yesterday was excellent, showing that his poor work in that line in this fall's games has been due only to lack of practice and coaching.

In the afternoon the team went into secret practice.


Freshman Eleven.The ninety-eight team went through their regular practice yesterday afternoon. Seaver, who played end in Saturday's game, was put at right tackle, while Holmes went to the second eleven. Right end was taken by Wadsworth. Fuller was on the field, but did not play. His place at right tackle was taken by Rice. The first eleven scored four touchdowns and kept the second eleven from scoring.

An attempt is being made to get a game with the Columbia freshmen for next Saturday. It would be played at Cambridge.

Princeton Eleven.[N. E. Associated Press.]

PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 12 - As is the custom after the Pennsylvania game, the Princeton football players are taking a rest before resuming hard practice for the game with Yale. Morse, who was unable to finish Saturday's game, proved not to be injured permanently and is expected to be in good condition by Dec. 1. Lea is not entirely recovered as yet and Church will play his position for a few days. It is freely admitted here that the Princeton eleven met a superior team and was squarely and fairly defeated. There is, however, a great degree of confidence in the players, and all Princetonians are determined to leave no stone unturned and to work with renewed zeal to wrest victory from Yale. It is expected that the coaches will change the style of play hitherto used by Princeton and if possible make it more effective before the eleven meets Yale.
