The 'varsity eleven defeated the Chicago Athletic Association team Saturday on Soldiers Field in a rather one-sided game, by a score of 36 to 0.
In spite of the bad weather a large and enthusiastic crowd turned out and for the first time this year organized cheering was heard. The field was in fair condition, with just enough mud and water to bring into use the leather suits.
A pleasant feature of the afternoon was the cheering between the halves for George Gray, the halfback, who drove out from the hospital to see the game.
The interference and team play generally, on Harvard's part, was the best seen in Cambridge this year. The backs stuck close to the interference and left it only when open ground was reached.
The individual work, with one or two exceptions, was excellent; Waters, Wrenn, the two Brewers and Wrightington doing even better than usual. Fair-child was at fullback for the first time since he was injured, but was not given much work. Harvard did not show the weakness in the second half that was expected, though there was a slight falling off in snap. Wrenn had his knee slightly wrenched, but was all right yesterday.
Harvard kicked off and Andrews dropped on the ball. Van Doozer fumbled it on the first down and A. Brewer dropped on it. Then Harvard started in with a rush, and, by sending Brewer and Wrightington around the ends and through centre, made a touchdown in 2 minutes and 37 seconds.
Brewer failed to gain on the first down and Wrightington kicked to Andrews who muffed the ball and it was again fallen on by A. Brewer. Harvard was forced to punt on the second down, and Van Doozer was given a chance to buck the line. He made four yards through Hallowell and three past Norton Shaw, and the ball was lost by a poor pass. Then by short rushes by Fair-child, Brewer and Waters, the ball was carried over the line for the second touchdown, making the score 12 to 0.
On the first down Brewer went around right end for 30 yards, and this was followed by a run of 40 yards and a touchdown by Wrightington. C. Brewer punted out and goal was kicked.
The first punting of any consequence was now begun, but was poor on account of the wet ball. It ended with Harvard's ball at the centre of the field. Here Brewer made the best run of the game. Taking the ball on a criss-cross from Wrightington, he dodged down the centre of the field for 55 yards. Waters was now given the ball and made a touchdown.
In the second half Harvard made the first touchdown in two rushes, the first by Wrightington around the end for 30 yards, the next through tackle by Brewer for 40 yards. After this the playing was more even and Chicago made some good gains through centre, but Harvard pushed the ball slowly down the field and made the last touchdown of the game by sending Brewer over the line.
The teams lined up:
Emmons, l.e. r.e., Culver.
Hallowell, Wheeler, l.t. r.t., Briggs.
Mackie, l.g. r.g., McCormick.
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