
Special Notice.

LOST. - A Stem-winder from a gold watch, between the Gymnasium and Holmes Field. Finder leave it at office of Gymnasium .or 860 Main street. Liberal reward.

YOUR YEAR'S EXPENSES. - I am the Cambridge agent for D. Appleton & Co., and want four first-class men (preferably those having had experience) to sell some of their excellent works. Your year's expenses easily made with but little loss of time. Call early on

E. E. CAUTHORNE,15 Brewer's Block.MR. EMIL TIFERRO, Tenor, teacher of the Higher Art of Singing, will meet Harvard Students for private instruction in solo and chorus singing. Applications for lessons may be made from 10 to 12 and 3 to 5 at 130-132 Boylston St., Boston, up one flight. For further information please apply to Professor John K. Paine, Cambridge. References: Professor J. K. Paine, Professor John Fiske, Prof. Louis C. Elson, New England Conservatory, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.

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