

The practice of the 'varsity football eleven yesterday afternoon showed but little improvement over Saturday's wretched exhibition. Ex-Capt. Waters coached the team and in the second half succeeded in putting considerable snap and vigor into the play. Several changes in the make-up were made. Hennan was put at left guard on the first eleven and Manahan resumed his old position of tackle, Hallowell playing on the second. Knox '98 showed up fairly well at halfback on the second eleven, considering that it was his first day on the 'varsity squad.

During the first half neither side scored and the second eleven did much the better work. In the second half the first eleven played in good style and succeeded in making four touchdowns without being scored against. Hayes and Jackson made several long runs with the aid of good interference. Wrenn interfered especially well. In the line, Manahan, A. Brewer, and Hallowell did the best work. The following was the make-up of the teams:


Richardson, l.e. r.e., Hartwell, Newell.

Manahan, Hallowell, l.t. r.t., Hitch, Hallowell.


Hennan, Murchie, l.g., r.g., Steadman, Murchie.

F. Shaw, c. c., Doucette, Winslow.

J. Shaw, r.g. l.g., Wheeler, Hoague.

Gould, Wheeler, r.t. l.t., Teele.

A. Brewer, r.e. l.e., Moulton.

Beale, Wrenn, q.b. q.b., Borden.

Phelan, l.h.b. r.h.b., Arnold, Weld.

Jackson, Dunlop, r.h.b. l.h.b., Knox, Ketcham.

Hayes, f.b. f.b., Hamlen, Knapp.
