As but two weeks remain before the day set for the annual freshman athletic games, it is imperative that all freshmen who intend to compete for the championship of the class should begin training at once. If the result of the games is to show anything like the real strength of Ninety-eight in track and field sports more men must begin work under Mr. Lathrop. There are doubtless many men in the class who are not physically able to play football, yet who feel they would like to do something this fall in athletics. To such the track offers the greatest chance of attaining success. The greatest number of successful athletes at Harvard have always been men who have come to college with no athletic reputation, but who have developed by earnest conscientious work. The work, carried on as it is under the direction of an expert in physical training, cannot but be beneficial to health.
There should be a large increase in the number of men who intend to enter the games.
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