The Harvard Union holds its first debate tonight in Sever 11 at 7.30. The subject is: "Resolved, That it is the duty of a Harvard student to take an active interest in party politics." Principal disputants: Affirmative, S. E. Johnson '95, J. P. Warren '96; negative, R. C. Ringwalt '95, W. H. Sheldon '95.
A new method of debate will be tried, each principal disputant having two short speeches instead of one long speech as heretofore. The order of speaking will also be arranged in a new way with a view to adding spirit to the discussion. All persons interested in debate are especially invited to observe this experiment, which, if successful, may produce important changes in debate at Harvard.
Two weeks from tonight the Union will hold a competitive debate for membership, open to all members of the University. Subject: "Resolved, That the best interests of the United States demand the election at this time of a Republican House of Representatives." The attention of candidates is called to the brief for English VI in the CRIMSON, October 3.
Boston Latin School Association.It is particularly desired that all Latin School men who were not present at the meeting of the new association should become members by sending their names to the secretary at 20 Matthews.
Lack of space prevented the announcement of the officers yesterday. They are as follows: President, J. P. Warren '96; vice-president, A. M. Beale '97; secretary and treasurer, J. W. Edmunds '98; governing committee, the president ex-officio; from the graduates, T. A. Mullen, G. E. Howes; from '95, C. E. Noyes, N. H. Laughton; from '96, H. F. Knight, H. S. Johnson; from '97, F. P. Gay, W. H. Vincent; from '98, W. H. Rand, P. A. H. Van Daell.
Christian Association.The Christian Association held its first prayer meeting yesterday evening at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. The attendance was small, only thirty men being present. R. T. Capen, president of the association, led the meeting and afterward called a meeting of members only, to consider the new names which had been given for membership.
Wendell Phillips Club.The opening meeting of the Wendell Phillips Club occurs this evening in Harvard 1 at 7.30. There will be short addresses by Messrs. Stone and Apsey of the club, and by Mayor Bancroft of Cambridge. After the meeting there will be a short informal reception. The object of this meeting is to make the students familiar with the aims of the club, particularly in its social aspect, and all, especially new students, are cordially invited.
The club will hold a competitive debate for membership on Friday, October 12. The subject will be: "Resolved, That the income tax is justifiable." This is open to all members of the University. Any one may become a candidate by speaking twice from the floor.
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