

CHESS NOTICE. - A blue-book has been placed at Bartlett's for entries to the chess tournament. Every man who plays chess at all should enter. Up to this time there have been but few entries. Entries will close sharply at 6.30 Saturday next, and we urge men who intend to enter not to leave it until the last moment.

JAMES HEWINS, Sec.'95 ELEVEN. - All candidates for positions back of the line must be dressed at 3.15; candidates for the line at 3.45 sharp. More men must come out, as at present there are not enough for two elevens.

'96 FOOTBALL. - It is disgraceful to the junior class that so few men have turned out for the eleven. We must have more men if we hope to win the championship again. Let every one who can play football be on Soldiers at 3.45 sharp this afternoon.

'97 ELEVEN. - All men be out on Soldiers at 3.45 o'clock sharp, dressed to play.

C. M. WELD.ALL men who have thus far signified their intention of joining the Harvard Rifles must be present at the Gymnasium at 3.30 today to be measured for their uniforms and decide as to expense of same.


HARVARD ASSOCIATION OF DELTA KAPPA EPSILON. - There will be a meeting in 16 Hastings Hall on Friday evening, October 5. All members of the fraternity from other colleges are requested to be present.

++WELD BOAT CLUB. - Any member of the University may obtain a ticket entitling him to all the privileges of the club, the use of boats and baths by paying $5.00 at Thurston's or to


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61 Hastings Hall.'VARSITY BANJO CLUB. - Trials of candidates for the 'Varsity Banjo Club will be held Monday, October 8, and Tuesday, October 9, at 7 p. m., in 54 Matthews Hall. Any member in any department of the University who plays the banjeaurine, banjo or guitar, is eligible.


W. D. BROOKINGS, Leader.PIERIAN TRIALS. - There will be a trial of candidates for the Pierian Sodality on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, October 9 and 10, at 7.30 o'clock in Roberts Hall. Every man who can play any orchestral instrument is urged to be present with a solo. New members of the University in particular should come out.

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