CRIMSON. - Important meeting tonight at 6.30. All editors please be on time.
ALL candidates for the University crew will please be at the trophy room at 7.30 tonight.
E. H. FENNESSY.CANDIDATES for the Freshman crew be in rowing room of gymnasium this afternoon at 3.30 sharp.
E. H. FENNESSY.'98 ELEVEN. - The following men be dressed to play at 3.30 sharp: Bull, Woods, Fuller, Ames, Hoague, Woodward, Hennen, Cabot, Redpath, Fincke, Flint, Hayes, Rice, Burrage, Stowell, Wadsworth.
H. D. SCOTT.'95 ELEVEN. - Practice at 2.30 sharp.
C. S. PIERCE.'96 ELEVEN. - Backs be out at 2.30, all the rest at 3.30 sharp.
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