

PIERIAN. - Only the men who go to Wellesley on Wednesday will rehearse tonight. They are: Schurz, Perry, Edmunds, Porter, Hall, Walker, Francis, Denison, Bolles, Waldo, Frothingham, Adler, Gulick, Bacon, Rumford, Capen, Stark.

THERE will be a meeting of the Harvard Advocate tonight at 7 o'clock at 4 Weld Hall. All editors must be present.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Shoot Monday at 2: Novice, match A, and special match. Men who wish shingles or seals may leave word at 18 Holworthy, or with W. Byrd, Exec. Officer.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal to night at 7.00 sharp.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.HARVARD UNION. - A special business meeting is called for Monday evening, Oct. 29, at 7.15, in 26 Grays.


By order of the president.

29 2t

R. C. RINGWALT, Sec.'98 ELEVEN. - Backs be out at 3.15. All others at 3.45 sharp.

H. D. SCOTT.AN instructor in gymnastics is wanted in an evening school. Any student qualified to fill such a position and wishing employment two evenings a week is invited to call on Dr. Sargent at the Gymnasium for further particulars.

THE Prospect Union needs very much a number of chairs and a few tables. Will any one who can give any please send his name and address to


26 4t

27 Holyoke street.
