At the meeting of the Wendell Phillips Club last night, it was decided to hold another competitive debate Friday, November 9. The subject will be "Resolved, That universal male suffrage is absurd in theory and has proven a failure in practice." The principal disputants will be F. C. Thwaits L. S. and W. E. Hutton '95.
Institute of 1770.The fourth ten of the '97 Institute were taken out last night. The names of the men in their order follow: 1, F. K. Kernan; 2, M. E. Stone; 3, A. Forbes; 4, F. F. Fox; 5, G. Benson; 6, A. H. Ladd; 7, A. N. Beale; 8, C. M. Weld; 9, J. Dean; 10, E. Hollister. The following list includes all men who have been elected honorary members up to date: E. N. Wrightington, H. Binney, J. P. Welsh, R. Floyd '95.
Natural History Society.The Natural History Society has elected the following officers for the current year: President, F. B. White Gr.; graduate vice-president, H. Kennedy Med.; undergraduate vice-president, J. W. D. Maury '95; secretary, W. H. Phelps '97; treasurer, R. Walcott '95.
Graduate Club.The first meeting of the Graduate Club was held last evening in the house of the Colonial Club, on Quincy street. President Eliot addressed the club on the subject, "The Organization of a System of City Schools."
The public school commissioners, he said, should be a body of men appointed by the mayor, the number to be limited to ten. This board should be changed every five or seven years. Members of this board to receive no remuneration, for in this way men can be obtained that could not be induced to serve for the pay that the city would be willing to offer them. It has generally been found true that the best service is to be obtained from unpaid overseers. This board should have power to appoint agents to attend to the detailed service of the system. They should appoint three officers, a superintendent, a business manager and an architect. The superintendent should have complete charge of the intellectual and moral policy of the schools. The business manager should look after all mechanical details, and purchasing of supplies. The architect should have charge of the erection of new buildings, the making over of old ones, and all extensive repairs. The election of all the principals and teachers of the schools should be left to the governing board. Under the governing board should be a board of inspectors appointed by the overseers upon the advice of the superintendent, these inspectors to hold office during good behavior and efficiency. This body should hold weekly meetings and publish annual reports addressed to the superintendent, and he also should make annual reports to the board of inspectors. The chief duty of this body should be to make thorough inspection of the different schools, and promote, retain or discharge all teachers whom they see fit, with the exception of principals or head masters. Another function of this body should be the examination of all candidates for the position of teachers. Finally there should be an association of teachers elected by teachers, which should be called the "Council." All school programmes should be made by this board with the approval of the inspectors. The Council should also attend to the promotion of pupils.
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