

'95 ELEVEN. - The following men must be at Thurston's at 12.05 sharp, to go to Exeter: Davis, Teele, Thompson, Doucette, Potter, Whiteside, Knapp, Jackson, Hitch, Miller, Manning, Snow, Forbes.

C. S. PIERCE.'96 ELEVEN. - Everybody be out at 2.30 sharp.

HARVARD UNION. - A special business meeting is called for Monday evening, Oct. 29, at 7.15, in 26 Grays.

By order of the president.

29 2t


R. C. RINGWALT, Sec.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - The following men have been taken on for further trial: Scaife '97, Mitchell '97, Collins '96, Carter '97, Fordyce '98, Towner '98, Elliot '98, Sheriff '95, Bremer '96. The above men will please be at 1 Weld at 1 o'clock for music.

R. G. MORSE, Sec.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Shoot Monday at 2: Novice, match A, and special match. Men who wish shingles or seals may leave word at 18 Holworthy, or with W. Byrd, Exec. Officer.

++'98 ELEVEN. - The following men be at Thurston's at 10.30 sharp ready to go to Groton: Hennen, Hoague, Woodward, Ames, Fuller, Woods, Bull, Wadsworth, Redpath, Scott, Cabot, Fincke, Flint, Burrage.

P. S. Dalton, Mgr.'97 ELEVEN. - The following men be in front of Memorial Hall at 12.10 sharp: P. L. Smith, Chatman, Hovey, Hewes, Fitzgerald, F. White, Pitts, Rantoul, Carret, Skinner, Pillsbury, Begien, Sullivan, Saunders.

CATHOLIC CLUB. - Regular meeting next Tuesday at 8 in Sever 11. Election of officers.

