MERMAID CLUB. - Meeting Friday, Oct. 26, in Little's 18 at 9.30 sharp. Mr. Baker will talk on Lyly. Important business is also to come up.
27 2t'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7.00 sharp.
H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.'98 ELEVEN. - Backs be out at 3.30. All others at 4 sharp.
H. D. SCOTT.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 8 in 1 Weld.
R. G. MORSE, Sec.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB. - Trial of candidates. All members of the University who can play the viola are requested to be at 1 Weld at 8.30 tonight.
R. G. MORSE, Sec.CROSS COUNTRY SQUAD. - Meet today at 5.15 sharp.
J. L. COOLIDGE.PIERIAN SODALITY. - There will be a string rehearsal of the Pierian Sodality tonight in Roberts. Hall at 5 o'clock sharp. All men playing stringed instruments must be on hand.
C. L. SAFFORD, Leader.WENDELL PHILLIPS CLUB. - There will be a business meeting of the Wendell Phillips Club at 7.30 this evening in Harvard 1. This is an important meeting and it is hoped that every member will be present.
The subject for debate Friday, November 2, will be "Resolved, That David B. Hill should be elected governor of New York."
THERE will be a meeting of the executive committee of the Wendell Phillips Club at 11 a. m., Friday in 24 Hastings Hall.
E. S. PAGE.'95 ELEVEN. - Practice at 3.30 sharp. Everybody must be at the Athletic House promptly at that time.
C. S. PIERCE.'97 ELEVEN. - Backs and ends be out at 3.15; all others at 3.45.
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Freshman Debating Club.