
Student Volunteer Work.

Mr. Charles W. Birtwell, permanent secretary of the Student Volunteer Committee will be in Grays 17 next week to confer with men who wish to enter the work. Departments of work have been assigned to members of the committee as follows:

Associated Charities, R. Calkins, 44 Perkins.

Episcopal City Missions, and Mission of St. John the Evangelist (Father Field), T. R. Kimball, 7 Linden St.

Boys' Clubs, A. Whiteside, 55 Claverly, and R. W. Emmons, 26 Claverly.

Institutional Church Work, H. C. Wright, 18 Trowbridge St.


Boston City Missions, L. K. Morse, 54 Thayer.

Wells Memorial, H. A. Eaton, Elmwood Ave.

Prospect Union, F. N. Robinson, Holyoke House, and J. K. Whittemore, 27 Holyoke St.

Y. M. C. A., and Sailor Missions, L. H. Roots, 1 Winthrop Hall.

St. Vincent de Paul's and Catholic missions, T. A. Mullen, 59 Brattle St.

Children's Aid, W. T. Denison, 5 Matthews.

Men who have a preference for any special kind of work are requested to communicate with the above chairmen of departments. Books and papers will be needed for boys' clubs; and clothes also are needed for charity work. If men who can give books or clothes will send word to C.E. Noyes, 7 Ware St. the things will be called for.
