Usually the first official statement in regard to the number of students in the University is made in the University Catalogue, which is issued in December. This year, however, unauthorized statements have been made in regard to the attendance so erroneous and so misleading that it has been thought best to give an official statement earlier than usual. It must, however, be borne in mind in comparing the figures given below that those showing the attendance last year have, with a few specified exceptions, been taken from the Catalogue, and that between this date and the date when the Catalogue is published there are always some transfers and new registrations. It will be noticed that the registration this year is in every department larger than it was last year.
'93-'94 '94-'95
Seniors, 323 320
Juniors, 352 347
Sophomores, 394 422
Freshmen, 425 404
Specials, 162 168
-- --
Total, 1656 1661
Scientific School (at this date) 273 318
Graduate School (at this date) 246 251
Divinity School 47 49
Law School 353 389
Medical School (not counting graduate students) 420 438
Dental School 63 83
School of Veterinary Medicine 50 60
Bussey Institution (at this date) 9 10
The apparent gain in the whole University to date is 142.
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