
University Organizations.

Shooting Club.

Wretched trapping and poor light accounted partly for the poor scores yesterday. There were just enough men to continue match A, with the following scores; Dove 7, Childs 6, Byrd 5, Sterling 4, Whitfield 4.

Cycling Association.The annual meeting of the Cycling Association will be held this evening, at 7.30, in the Trophy Room of Hemenway Gymnasium. Although the main business of the meeting will be the election of officers, all members of the University who are interested in cycling and who wish to join the association are urged to be present.

The annual road race will be arranged for this fall. The one last year was very successful and created much enthusiasm among the spectators.

There was a decided lack of interest shown last year in the runs. It is hoped that this year there will be an improvement in this respect.


Harvard Union.The adjourned meeting of the Harvard Union was held last night in 26 Grays. The following men were elected members: J. P. Hall L. S., A. J. Peters '95, F. S. Elliot '95, L. T. Ross L. S., J. P. Gately '97, C. N. Lathrop '96, L. B. Murdock '96, R. C. Davis '97, H. L. Belisle '96, N. B. Marshall '97, S. P. Delany '96.

The Union has been induced by the excellence of the debate last Friday, which the judges pronounced the best they had ever heard, to decide upon another competition in the near future. The subject will be announced shortly.

The following men have been chosen by the Union to make arrangements for the Yale debate: C. A. Duniway, president; J. P. Warren, vice-president; R. C. Ringwalt, secretary.

Chess Club.Drawings for the second round of the Chess Tournament are as follows:

Section I.

S. M. Ballou, 7 Little's.

E. P. Fay, 19 Hollis.

C. D. Gray, 27 Winter St., W. Somerville.
