

Harvard, 32; Williams, 0.

Every one who saw the Williams game Saturday afternoon must feel greatly encouraged over Harvard's football prospects for this season. It was not only the most exciting and interesting game seen on Soldiers Field this fall, but it showed that the 'varsity was able play in very nearly championship form. Waters played for the first half and, it is needless to say, was the mainstay of the whole line. He was in every play, did most of the tackling, and in addition he inspired the new men with so much confidence that, after the first few rushes, they had but little difficulty in keeping Williams from advancing the ball. Wheeler, at left tackle, put up an excellent game considering his lack of experience.

All of the other line men showed up in fine style, but Arthur Brewer deserves special mention. Notwithstanding his fractured jaw he played a star game and seemed to be all over the field at once. Of the backs, Charlie Brewer and Wrightington easily carried off the honors. Brewer's running and kicking were the features of the game. His fine try for a goal from the field from the 45 yard line was wonderful and provoked more enthusiasm from the crowd than has been exhibited for a long time. Fairchild's fine kicks were also well applauded. Both Foster and Beale were tried at quarterback and Foster did by far the better work. His passing was quicker and surer than Beale's and he tackled more.

For Williams, Townsend, Taylor and the Draper brothers did the best work.

Harvard had the kick-off at the start and Williams began at the 10 yard line and steadily advanced through Murchie and Wheeler for 30 yards when Harvard secured the ball on four downs. Harvard carried the ball to the 10 yard line when Fairchild kicked a goal from the field. Score, 5 to 0.

On the kick-off Brewer fumbled the ball after a good run and Williams carried it to the 10 yard line before being stopped. It began to look dangerous but Harvard braced up and held Williams for four downs. Brewer punted to Harvard's 40 yard line but Williams soon lost the ball on downs and Brewer again punted to Williams' 45 yard line. F. Draper fumbled and A. Brewer dropped on the ball. After repeated gains through Williams' left tackle Brewer scored a touchdown but failed to kick the goal. This ended the scoring for the first half. Score 9 to 0. Just before time was called C. Brewer made his try for a goal from the field.


In the second half Harvard received the ball at the centre of the field after several punts had been exchanged. Then with excellent interference Wrightington and Brewer advanced steadily down the field and Brewer finally ran around the left end for another touchdown. A. Brewer kicked the goal. Score, 15 to 0.

When play was resumed Harvard lost the ball and Draper made a sensational run of 50 yards. He had a clear field for a touchdown when tackled from behind by Foster. Harvard again secured the ball and Wrightington scored the next touchdown from the 50 yard line. Score, 21 to 0.

Frank Shaw stopped the next kick-off. Harvard secured the ball on four downs and advanced it to the 15 yard line, when Fairchild kicked his second goal from the field. Score, 26-0.

During the last few minutes both sides punted a great deal and C. Brewer scored the last touchdown by a magnificent run of 70 yards. A. Brewer kicked the goal. Score. 32-0.

The teams lined up as follows:


Moulton, l.e. r.e., Ryan.

Wheeler. l.t. r.t., Somoskeoy.

Murchie, l.g., r.g., Lotz.

F. Shaw, c. c., Heald.
