
Yale Football Candidates.

Among the men who are working for the Yale eleven are: Adee '95; Butterworth '95, H. Cross '96, DeWitt '96, Fincke '97, Lee '95, Morris '96, Jerrems '96 S., Thorne '96, Reddington L. S., Brown '96, McCrea '95 S., Stillman '95 S., Chadwick '97, Bass '97, Hinkey '97, Hickok '95 S., Greenway '95 S., Wade '96, Hickok '97 S., McCrea '97 S., Whitcomb '98, Kelley '98, Speyer '98, Pond '96 S., Eaton, Marks '95, Letton '97 S. In spite of the fact that all of last year's team are back, Yale's team this fall will be recruited from the ranks, as only a few of last year's eleven are sure of their places, and the chance for new men is very promising in consequence.

Only the members of last year's team are at the university training table, but many of the players will be taken as they demonstrate their ability to do good work.
