
Special Notice.

TO LET. - Very pleasant rooms for students. One fine suite. Board and room together if desired. 18 Sumner street.

1 5tROOMS. - At 6 Story street, furnished or unfurnished rooms, with all modern conveniences, with or without board. Accommodation for club table.

4 4tWE want our photogravure of the Harvard Gate shown to every man in the University. We should like to arrange with some one in '97 or '98 to do this.

A. W. ELSON & CO.,

5 4t


146 Oliver St., Boston.DON'T BUY PENCILS. - Drop in at Pach's, take a look around the interesting studio, and get a first-class lead pencil free. We are giving them away to Harvard men for a few weeks.

2 10t*FOR STUDENTS. - Convenient location. Thoroughly first-class board at 16 Prescott street.

6 2tOARSMAN NOTICE. - Aluminum Single Shell, only used few times, $30; new Double Scull Shell, $100; one second hand single, as good as new, $50, cash, or will exchange for anything. For particulars apply to

C. W. HART,Harvard Boat House.PEABODY CLUB. - A club table can be accommodated. Board $7.00 per week.

3 6t

126 Mt. Auburn street.TO LET. - Student being unable to attend the University has a pleasant room to let in Winthrop Hall. Apply to Bursar of the Episcopal Theological Seminary, Brattle street.

4 4t

C. M. WASHINGTON.DOUBLE front suite No. 37 in Ware Hall to let. Apply to Thurston.

4 3tDOMESTIC LAUNDRY. - All hand work. Sweaters and fine flannels a specialty, washed without shrinking. Work called for and delivered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send address on postal to


4 4t

61 Oxford street, Cambridge.BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.

6 tfCLASS ELEVENS. - Football supplies will be furnished the members of the class elevens at special prices at Thurston's.
