'95 ELEVEN. - All candidates must be dressed at 3.45 sharp. We must have two elevens, or else we can get but little practice.
C. S. PIERCE.HARVARD CATHOLIC CLUB. - The first meeting of the year will be held Tuesday night, October 23, at 8 o'clock, in Sever 11. Officers will be elected and plans formulated for the ensuing year.
++WILL the following men please be at Sanders Theatre at 7.30 sharp, tonight, to usher: D. C. Greene, A. S. Pier, C. S. Pierce, R. M. Johnson, R. Walcott, R. M. Winthrop, W. R. Peabody, A. Whiteside, W. Briggs, E. H. Warren and E. H. Pool.
J. K. WHITTEMORE.'97 ELEVEN. - The following men must be examined by Dr. Sargent today: Anderson 2 p.m., Fitzgerald 2.05, Cram 2.10, Carret 2.15, White 2.20, Chapman 2.25, Castle 2.30, Skinner 2.35, Weld 2.40, Sides 2.45, Boal 2.50, Sullivan 3, Hovey 3.05, Martin 3.10, Pitts 3.15, Reynolds 3.20, Short 3.25, Pillsbury 3.30, Bowditch 3.40, Begien 3.45, Field 3.50, Rantoul 3.55, Prouty 4, Cheever 4.05, Felton 4.10, Tucker 4.15, Barnes 4.20. Practice at 4.15.
PER ORDER.A MEETING will be held in Sanders Theatre, Friday, October 19, at 8 o'clock, in the interests of Student Volunteer Work. The speakers are President Eliot, Alexander McKenzie, D.D., Bishop Lawrence, ex-Gov. Russell and Professor Peabody. The floor and first balcony will be reserved for members of the University.
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Rev. Andrew Oliver '42.