
Special Notice.

BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.

6 tfDo you need a Tuxedo? If so, try


11 tf

125 Tremont St., Boston.MR. W. H. MCNALLY of Radford Jones & Co., Court, Hunt, and Military Tailors, 32 George St., Hanover Square, London, Eng., will be at Young's Hotel from Monday, 15th, to Friday, 19th. Appointments at the hotel. Extra large line of samples of English Suitings, etc.


17 4tThe Columbia Theatre will present this week Mr. Harry Lacy in the new play, "The Man from the West." This is a finely woven, well-worked plot with a story of absorbing interest. Each character in the play is of a nature that requires an especially clever actor to properly delineate it, and to this end the supporting company is particularly strong, the role's fitting each as if written for him. Mr. Lacy will have support of the following well-known people: Arthur Eliot, Payton Gibbs, Dore Davidson, Ernest Willard, J. E. Donnelly, Morrell Beane, Edward Maas, James Dunham, Edward Matthews, Richard Nesmith, Miss Beverly Sitgreaves, May C. Standish, May Henderson, Louise Wakelee, April Henderson, Kitty Conway, Marie Houlihan.

CLUB HOUSE. - For Sale or To Let. House on Main street, opposite Beck Hall, with entrance on two streets. Will be altered to suit tenants, or sold on easy terms. Apply to


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Lyceum Building Harvard Sq.No. 5 Manter Hall is for rent. Apply to J. M. Hilton.

TO LET. - A pleasant sunny room with 3 windows. Furnished, heated and taken care of. Is suitable for two. Rent only $75. Apply to

MRS. MORRISON, 14 Mellen street.TO LET. - A desirable room in College yard, second floor, double bed-room. Address, H. F., care of CRIMSON.

DRESS Suit Case for sale. - New, except that it has been used twice. Apply from 10 to 12 at 40 Ware Hall, Cambridge.

FOR SALE. - 6 Sanders Theatre Symphony season tickets, excellent location, in 2nd balcony front, 1st and 2nd rows. Enquire at 424 Harvard street.

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