The 'varsity crew was on the river for the first time yesterday afternoon. The men rowed in a barge and used only body reach, the slides being strapped down. The coaching was done by R. C. Watson '69. The following was the make-up of the crew: Stroke, R. Stevenson; 7, Fennessy; 6, Sprague; 5, Duffield; 4, Perkins; 3, T. G. Stevenson; 2, Bullard; bow, Watson.
The following was the make-up of the '96 crew, which appeared on the river yesterday for the first time: Stroke, Kales; 7, Forbes (Capt.); 6, Lyman; 5, Appleton; 4, Stevens; 3, B. Frothingham: 2, Wadsworth; bow, Greenough.
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