

Entire 'varsity squad be dressed to play at 3.30.

R. W. EMMONS, 2ND.THERE will be a very important meeting of the presidents, leaders and secretaries of the 'Varsity Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs tonight at 8 o'clock, in 9 Holyoke. A second meeting will be held next Wednesday night at the same hour and place.

'96 CREW. - Row today at 3.30.

F. M. FORBES.'95 CREW. - All candidates be at the 'Varsity Boat House dressed to row at 3.45 p. m.

PER ORDER.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.


'95 ELEVEN. - All candidates must be dressed to play at 3.45 sharp.

C. S. PIERCE.THE Prospect Union is trying to collect a library in order that its members shall not have to buy text books. Books of all kinds will be thankfully received, and may be left at the CRIMSON office.

ALL members of the University wishing to join the Harvard Athletic Association may do so at Thurston's or at 40 Hilton's Block on Mondays and Fridays from 1.30 to 2 o'clock. Initiation fee $3.50.

H. W. HOWE, Sec. H. A. A.
