

'96 ELEVEN. - The following men will go to Groton today: Fox, Paine, Bull, Merriman, Curtis, Dibblee, Duff, McKittrick, Scott, Satterlee, Harrison, Balch. The time to leave will be posted at Leavitt's at 8.30.

HARVARD UNION. - Regular monthly business meeting in 26 Grays on Monday, Oct. 15, at 7.30 p. m.

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R. C. RINGWALT, Sec.HARVARD MANDOLIN CLUB. - There will be an important meeting of the members of the club in 22 Weld at 12 o'clock. Election of officers.

H. R. STORRS.'96 CREW. - Row today at 2.30.


F. M. FORBES.'95 ELEVEN. - The following men must be at Thurston's at 11.40 sharp: Snow, Teele, Goodwin, Tiffany, Fanning, Magrath, Floyd, Stark, Hitch, Miller, Doucette, Manning, Tileston, Jameson.

C. S. PIERCE.FRESHMAN FOOTBALL. - The following men will attend the 'varsity game in uniform and report on the other field at 3.45 sharp to play Hyde Park: Scull, Hurley, Edwards, Curtis, Ames, Holmes, Rice, Fuller, Stowell, Dove, Woodward, Hennen, Hayes, Cabot, Redpath, Rand, Finke, Gibbs, Hardenbrock.

H. SCOTT, Capt.THE Cambridge Young Men's Republican Club will hold a grand rally on Monday evening, Oct. 15, at 8, in Union Hall. Sen. H. C. Lodge and Congressman McCall will speak. Seats will be reserved until 7.45 p. m. for any Republicans of Harvard University who leave their names at Thayer 45 before 5.30 on Monday afternoon. It is hoped that a large number of men will accept this invitation.

CANADIAN CLUB. - The first meeting of the Canadian Club of Harvard University will be held in the D. U. rooms, corner of Brattle and Palmer streets, tonight at eight o'clock. Every student in the University who hails from the Provinces is cordially invited to be present.

G. W. Cox, Sec.'97 ELEVEN. - Candidates for the '97 football team be out on Soldiers Field at 3.45 this afternoon, dressed to play.

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PER ORDER CAPT.CRIMSON CANDIDATES. - The managing editor will be in the office today from 1.30 to 2.30 to see all '97 and '98 men who wish to try for the paper.

On Saturday, October 13, at 7 o'clock p. m., there will be in Holden Chapel, a meeting of all the men that have enlisted in the mission work among the sailors. Those who play an instrument are requested to have their instruments with them.

