

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

It has been frequently asked: What is there for the members of the Harvard Civil Service Reform Club to do? and some difficulty has been found in giving a satisfactory answer. I should like, however, through your columns, to outline a work in which any member of the club, or any person who is not a member, can assist the work of Civil Service Reform. Many of the books which are read in various lines of work, notably in the courses in History, contain valuable references to the conduct of the Civil Service in this and other countries. Now, there is at the present time a pressing need and call for a complete bibliography of Civil Service literature, and if the scattered references could be collected, they would prove of great service. No better place could be found than Harvard for this work, and if each reader who comes across a page or paragraph devoted to the Civil Service would but send the reference to me, it would become a valuable part of a Civil Service Index. To aid those who would like to lend a hand in the work I add an example:

Calhoun, J. C. Statesmen Series, p. 114. Forebodings of Calhoun as to effect of Jackson's Spoils System.

The reference can be sent on a postal card.


J. HALL JONES, Secretary,21 College House.
