The 'varsity defeated Brown yesterday afternoon in an intensely exciting and interesting game, but only after the Providence eleven had crossed our goal line and scored the first points made against Harvard this season. The score was 18 to 4.
It was a fierce game. Every inch of ground was hotly fought for, and every point was made by the hardest kind of work. Weaknesses in both elevens cropped out at several stages of the game, but the contest was replete with brilliant and sensational plays.
In the first half there was little or no interference shown on Harvard's part, and the rush line was lamentably weak in several places. After Brown had scored, and throughout the second half, the men took a decided brace. The line then held well together, and the backs ran with something like interference.
If the first half had been played with one half the determination and energy that was displayed in the latter part of the game, Brown never would have scored. Harvard picked up remarkably in the second half and Brown never had the ball dangerously near the goal line.
The two Brewers played magnificent football. C. Brewer made a substantial gain almost every time he was given the ball, and punted beautifully. The end rush work of A. Brewer was fine. His tackling was a feature of the game, and he far out-classed his opponent, Chase.
Our centre was surprisingly strong, and few gains were made by Brown in this direction. In aggressive play Manahan and the two Shaws opened up big holes, and in the second half the backs went through the centre for big gains.
Where Brown gained most was through the tackles. Neither Gould nor Hallowell could stop the steady, repeated hammering of the Brown backs, although Hallowell made some brilliant tackles. Wrenn and Fairchild were both tried at quarter. Their work was a pretty even thing, but Fairchild certainly ran the team with better judgement.
For Brown, Hopkins and Millard did splendid work, the latter's tackling being a feature. Nott, Robinson and Donovan showed up strongly.
Harvard had the kick-off against the wind and the ball went back and forth till Brown finally got it on the 35 yard line. It was then that her four points were scored. Hopkins, aided by the flying formation, went banging through right guard and tackle. The Brown back had an open field, with only Charlie Brewer between him and the goal. Brewer stood waiting for him and made a desperate dive, but Hopkins shook him off and was downed at the five yard line by Manahan. The Brown backs went through the centre until the ball was but four inches from the goal line. Harvard made a desperate stand, but it was no use. McCarthy plunged into the forwards and went across the line for a touchdown. The goal was missed and the score stood 4 to 0 in favor of Brown.
Now Harvard took a big brace. Brown was soon forced to kick, and Harvard had the ball at the 45 yard line. Brewer started out by circling the right end for a good 20 yards. Steady, sure gains through centre and tackles carried the ball down the field to the five yard line, when Hayes ploughed through the right centre to the line. He dropped the ball, but Dunlop carried it over for a touch-down. Brewer failed the goal, and the half closed a few minutes later with the score a tie, 4 to 4.
Harvard got the ball on the kick-off, and after it had changed hands several times, Dunlop went through the centre for the second touchdown. Brewer again missed the goal and Harvard led, 8 to 4.
On catching Hopkin's kick-off, Brewer made a beautiful return punt of 80 yards, and ran down the field to put the men on side. By the time the ball touched the ground the 'varsity had been put on side and Arthur Brewer fell on the ball at the 15 yard line. Short rushes through the centre sent Brewer across for another touchdown, from which A. Brewer kicked a goal. Score, 14 to 4.
Harvard got the ball again at the middle of the field, and Brewer immediately carried it 18 yards around the left before he was downed. A few short bucks at the line secured another touchdown just one minute before time was called, Brewer carrying the ball across. No goal.
The summary:
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