
Special Notice.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y

TUTORING.- Phil. 5 and Semitic 12. Seminars in Phil. 5 at mid-years.

WILLARD REED, Divinity 17.74 2t

FIRST-CLASS table board at 16 Prescott St. Table for six or eight students. Breakfast, 8 to 10; lunch at 1; dinner at 6. 74 3t

TUTORING and preparation for midyears. Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish.


M. E. GILL '90, 36 Mt. Auburn St.94 12t

TUTORING in Spanish, Italian and French. Honorable mention in Spanish and Italian, '89.

J. D. PRINDLE, A. M. '91, 36 Mt. Auburn St.74 8t

STUDENTS can obtain board at general tadle at $6.00 per week.

126 Mt. Auburn street.75 8t

A FORMER instructor in Economics in Harvard is willing to assist a few students in Economics 1 who wish to do thorough work in the text of Mill. No mere coaching for examination, however, will be undertaken under any circumstances. Address, P. E., Box 2414, Boston, Mass. 74 tf

Joseph Jefferson will come to the Boston Theatre on Monday, January 8, and give performances of "Rip Van Winkle." Praise for the player or commendation for the play would be supererogotory, for the first is so universally esteemed and the last so generally admired, that no words can add to the deserved popularity of either. For a generation "Rip Van Winkle" has been a perfect delight to theatre-goers of America, and to have seen Jefferson in the great role which he created will be a pleasant remembrance for all time. The present opportunities are limited to one weeksix nights and two matinees-and the sale of seats for the eight performances will begin next Monday morning at the box office. The established rule of the Boston Theatre-first come first served-will be enforced.

CLUBS can be accomodated at Mrs. Carter's, 894 Main street; also seats at general table.
