
University Calendar.


English 6. Oral Debate. Harvard 1, 3.30 p. m.

Question: "Resolved, That the policy of excluding Chinese laborers from the United States should be maintained and rigorously enforced."

Principal Disputants.- Affirmative: D. King and J. R. Nichols.- Negative: H. C. Lakin and H. C. Metcalf.

Open to all students of the University.

Lecture. The Teaching of French: 9. The Study of Literature. Professor de Sumichrast, Sever 23, 4.30 p. m.


Open to all members of the University.

Vesper Service. Appleton Chapel, 5 p. m.

Vesper Services will be held on Thursday of each week during term time until further notice. Each service begins promptly at 5 p. m., and closes about 5.30.

The public are invited to these services.

Symphony Orchestra Concert. Sanders Theatre, 7.45 p. m.
