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When the matter of Mr. Irving's address to the students was being discussed there came a suggestion which found favor at once and which now seems in a fair way to be put into practice. The suggestion was this, that one of the nights of Mr. Irving's engagement in March be reserved as a Harvard night and that tickets be sold exclusively to Harvard men,- Faculty and students. Mr. Irving looks with favor upon the scheme and the management has placed the matter in the hands of the CRIMSON, judging it to be in a position to bring it before the students. A committee, representing all phases of college life, will soon be appointed and then the details of the scheme can be thoroughly attended to. Certainly such a plan as this will be a high tribute to Mr. Irving and his art and the students will doubtless be very glad to support the idea. When any definite action has been taken, due notice will be given in the CRIMSON.
